About the Mission

Coordinating Christmas meals and helping to enable families to give gifts can be difficult—especially in a busy and growing organization. Yet, we knew we wanted to find a way to scale and to replicate this idea of doing simple good deeds. We really wanted to ensure that all of our people had the opportunity to experience this, and that as an organization, we were giving back to the community around us in meaningful ways.
From this, we came up with the idea of empowering each of our people with a simple $100 dollar bill and charging them with the mission of doing something good with it for the world around them that they wouldn’t otherwise do. The idea stuck, and year after year, it’s become something to look forward to, and is something we celebrate.
Then in 2020, I was part of a panel interview on Business with Social Purpose where I casually mentioned our Christmas Mission. Unbenounced to us, another CEO was listening and was so inspired by what he heard, that decided that they too were going to do the Christmas Mission with their team. Hearing the story of the CEO’s trip to the bank to fill up a backpack with cash—enough to give each employee a crisp $100 bill—and all of the tears and excitement it created throughout their team, we knew the Christmas Mission was now bigger than us.
Today, our challenge is to CEO’s, Doctors, Teachers, Students, Families, and individuals.
Just how far can $100 go? Join our Christmas Mission today to find out.