See just how far one hundred dollars can go
to make a difference in the community around you.
Our Challenge to you
Whether you are a CEO, Employee or Family, This Challenge is For You!
about the mission
What can $100 do
for the world around us?
What is Christmas Mission?
Just go with it.. You're not going to regret it.
“So we were given this one hundred dollars to pay it forward and we were thinking about how around here that doesn’t go far, and how we can have the most impact with this money. We instantly thought of our friends who run a soup kitchen in Mexico for underprivileged kids and their families, and found out during christmas time they were starting food hampers, so it coincided well.”

Christmas Missions
Organizations Have Taken Up The Challenge
Given to those in need

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“My Husband and I like to donate to different charities as things come up. The first thing that came to my mind was helping those on the streets, but then what I ended up doing was something that wasn’t initionally on my mind.
We have friends that did a Missions Trip to Uganda. They were working with a bunch of kids that don’t go to school, and some that don’t have parents or only have one, and soccer is kind of what they got.”